Adding Links

The three steps that will help your students get started on your site are:

Adding Links

Insert > Link is the command that allows you to add links to your website. Let's try some simple steps.

0. You must be in Edit mode, by clicking the Edit Page button.

1. Type in the name of your school.

2. Open another tab in your browser (File > New Tab).

3. In the new tab navigate to your school web site.

4. In the address bar, highlight and copy the web address.

5. Click on the tab to go back to the web page you've been building.

6. Highlight the name of your school that you previously typed in.

7. Click on the Chain Link button (Insert > Link).

8. Choose the Web Address tab.

9. In the "Link to this URL" field, paste the address that you copied in step 4.

10. Click OK. The Name of your school should have turned into a link.

11. Click the Save button for your page.

Below is an example of a link that takes you to a site for info on when sunrise will occur in your city. Clicking the link takes you to the following website:
